Multi-blade diamond gang-saw 多锯片金刚石排锯
Multi-blade sawing machines 多锯片排锯
Multi-blade circular saws 多锯片循环锯
Machines for aged marbles 大理石仿古效果机
Non-diamond blades 非金刚石锯条
Polishing machine 抛光设备
Polishing head 抛光头
Polishing agent 抛光剂
Protective agent 保护剂
Profiling machine 仿型加工机械
Quarry equipment 采矿设备
Repairs & restoration 修复设备
Robotic plants for special shaping 异型加工中心
Sandstone slabs 沙石板材
Sculpting machine 雕塑机械
Sculpting tools 雕塑工具
Shearing machine 剪切机
Sintered components for diamond tools 金刚石工具的焊接组件
Silicon carbide and caustic 刻蚀原料
Steel grit 钢砂
Steel cores 钢蕊
Steel saw blades for granite 花岗石钢锯片
Stone slab 矿石板材
Steel trusses 钢桁架
Stone tile 矿石贴砖
Special machines upon request 定制的特殊机械
Sound-proofing cabin 隔音舱
Suction work benches with depurator 带净化剂真空工作台
Sound-proofing equipment 隔音装置
Technical assistance 技术服务
Technical and consultancy assistance 技术咨询服务
Tile cutter 贴砖切机
Trimming machine 修边机械
Turning devices for blocks 荒料翻转装置
Wertical diamond gang-saw 金刚石垂直排锯
Waste water treatment plants 废水处理设备
Water-jet cutting machines 水力切割设备